We want to make it possible for everyone to dance, even if the financial situation is not rosy for many. We have now set up this community dance pot for this purpose – if you are financially well, you can donate any amount and so help someone else who is financially not so well to book a dance course!
Similar to the Italian tradition from the Naples region, where the Caffè Sospeso – Suspended Coffee – is practiced almost everywhere, we in our Badass Bellydancers Community want to make this kind of support possible in a simple way.
Wikipedia article: Caffè Sospeso
How does it work?
Donations for the CarVie Community Dancepot:
If you would like to enable someone else to attend our festival at a discounted rate, please enter your desired amount on the donation form and follow the further instructions.
Redeem donations from the CarVie Community Dancepot:
You want to attend our festival, but your current budget is preventing you from swinging your butt? That shouldn’t be in our dream world – please just register for your desired workshops as normal anyway and write in the note how much you want to take from the community dancepot.
Current budget in the community dance pot: € 100,00